1. Cai, Yi 蔡儀 (1956). Ping “Lun shilizhe de meixue” 評《論食利者的美學》(Comments on “The Rentier Aesthetics”). People's Daily (Renmin ribao 人民日報), 1 December. Collected in ZDMLX, vol. 1, pp. 238–49.
2. Zhu, Guangqian 朱光潛 (1933b). Beiju Xinli Xue 悲劇心理學 (The psychology of tragedy); collected in ZGQJ, vol. 2, pp. 209–470.
3. Kindler, Benjamin (2020). Toward a partisan aesthetics: Zhou Yang, Chernyshevsky, and “Life”. Made in China, 13 May. Available at https://madeinchinajournal.com/2020/05/13/towards-partisan-aesthetics-zhou-yang-chernyshevsky (accessed 21 August 2021).
4. Zhu, Guangqian 朱光潛 (1933a). Wenyi Xinli Xue 文藝心理學 (The psychology of literature and arts); collected in ZGQJ, vol. 1, pp. 197–526.