1. Bellini Vincenzo .La Sonnambula, with Italian and English Words.Boston:Oliver Ditson & Co., n.d.
2. Lawrence Vera Brodsky .1988.Strong on Music: The New York Music Scene in the Days of George Templeton Strong. Vol. 1, Resonances, 1836–1849 .Chicago:University of Chicago Press
3. White's New Ethiopian Song Book. Containing a Collection of All the New and Most Popular Songs, Glees, Choruses, Parodies, Duetts, Trios, Burlesque Lectures, Jokes, Conundrums, etc., as sung by White's Band of Serenaders, Christy's, New Orleans, etc. Philadelphia:T. B. Peterson, n.d.
4. Preston Katherine K. 1993.Opera on the Road: Traveling Opera Troupes in the United States, 1825–60.Urbana:University of Illinois Press
5. Rourke Constance .1931.American Humor: A Study of the National Character.Garden City, N.Y.:Doubleday Anchor Books