1. It was common practice for the disciples of rabbis to make notes of their sayings. It is also notable that Justin Martyr repeatedly refers to the gospels as άπομνημονεύματα (τῷν άποστόλων), a technical term for memoirs (e.g. that of Xenophon on the sayings and doings of Socrates).
2. Other examples are Mk. 12. 10–11 (compare Lk. 20. 17–18) and Mk. 12. 29–30 (compare Mt. 22. 37, Lk. 10. 27). On the former example, see Lowe, ‘From the Parable of the Vineyard’ (op. cit.).
3. See the discussion of this parable in the mentioned book of Flusser.
4. The last sentence of the Markan pericope containing the Parable of the Lamp, however, was accepted into the extant Matthew in the pericope on the purpose of the parables (see below).