Finite and infinite cyclic extensions of free groups


Karrass A.,Pietrowski A.,Solitar D.


Using Stalling's characterization [11] of finitely generated (f. g.) groups with infinitely many ends, and subgroup theorems for generalized free products and HNN groups (see [9], [5], and [7]), we give (in Theorem 1) a n.a.s.c. for a f.g. group to be a finite extension of a free group. Specifically (using the terminology extension of and notation of [5]), a f.g. group G is a finite extension of a free group if and only if G is an HNN group where K is a tree product of a finite number of finite groups (the vertices of K), and each (associated) subgroup Li, Mi is a subgroup of a vertex of K.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Reference12 articles.

1. [12] Stallings J. R. , ‘Characterization of tree products of finitely many finite groups’, submitted for publication.

2. The subgroups of a free product of two groups with an amalgamated subgroup

3. [10] Pietrowski A. , ‘One-relator groups with center’, submitted for publication.

4. Eine Kennzeichnung der Torusknoten

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1. The structure of quasi-transitive graphs avoiding a minor with applications to the domino problem;Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B;2024-11

2. Incommensurable lattices in Baumslag–Solitar complexes;Journal of the London Mathematical Society;2024-03

3. On groups presented by inverse-closed finite confluent length-reducing rewriting systems;Journal of Algebra;2023-08

4. The profinite completion of accessible groups;Monatshefte für Mathematik;2022-10-05

5. A Characterisation of Virtually Free Groups via Minor Exclusion;International Mathematics Research Notices;2022-07-20







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