1. Sheppach R. C. (2005) Executive Director of National Governor’s Association. Testimony Before the Medicaid Commission on Short-Term Medicaid Reform, 17 August (quoted in Goodman et al. 2006)
2. The income distributive implications of recent private health insurance policy reforms in Australia
3. Ohio Legislative Budget Office (OLBO) (1999) Fiscal Note and Local Impact Statement on HB33, 123rd General Assembly of Ohio. http://www.lbo.state.oh.us/123ga/hb0033in.pdf (accessed 10 March 2006).
4. Private Long-Term Care Insurance and the Asset Protection Motive
5. Kawafuchi K. (2005) Director, Department of Taxation. Testimony on HB728 Relating to a Long-Term Care Tax Credit. House Committees on Human Services and Health, 5 February 2005.