Non-recombining populations should suffer from four classic population
genetic disadvantages: (1)
they cannot reverse Muller's Ratchet, the accumulation of
deleterious mutations caused by genetic
drift and mutation; (2) whenever the fix a favourable mutation they lose
all unlinked favourable
variants; (3) they tend to lose favourable mutations that are linked to
deleterious mutations; and
(4) their genetic loads can be quite high when deleterious mutations have
synergistic effects. It is
commonly assumed that inter-chromosomal recombination (independent assortment)
can counter
these phenomena, but this has been studied only for the genetic load case.
contrast, many
studies have shown that recombination via crossing over can counter these
phenomena. Here we
first show that segregation alone can strongly decelerate Muller's
Ratchet in diploids, i.e. that
recombination is not the only way to do so. We then show that
inter-chromosomal recombination
can indeed deal with phenomena (1) to (3) above very effectively if the
genome consists of a
moderate number of chromosomes. Therefore, if the above advantages of
genetic recombination
played a large role in the initial success of eukaryotic sex, the crucial
moment in the origin of sex
might have been the evolution of inter-chromosomal recombination, i.e.
the evolution of genome
segmentation, segregation, and syngamy. Crossing over might have become
established as a major
recombinational device only later, eliminating the disadvantages of
extensively segmented genomes.
Genetics,General Medicine
Cited by
14 articles.