Trichinella britovi in the jackal Canis aureus from south-west Iran


Mirjalali H.,Rezaei S.,Pozio E.,Naddaf S.R.,Salahi-Moghaddam A.,Kia E.B.,Shahbazi F.,Mowlavi Gh.


AbstractTrichinellosis is an important helminthic food-borne zoonosis, which is caused by nematodes of the genus Trichinella. Although, Trichinella spp. has been detected frequently in Iranian wildlife, this parasitic infection is not considered a major public health problem. This is largely because Islamic codes forbid consumption of pork meat in this country. However, knowledge about this zoonotic pathogen is important because human trichinellosis has been documented in countries where most of the population is Muslim. The aims of the present work were to investigate whether Trichinella spp. was still circulating in wildlife of the Khuzestan Province (south-west Iran) about 30 years after the first investigation, to identify the aetiological agent at the species level by molecular analyses, and to review the literature on Trichinella spp. in animals of Iran. During the winter 2009–2010, muscle samples from 32 road-killed animals (14 dogs and 18 jackals, Canis aureus) were collected. Muscle samples were digested and Trichinella sp. larvae were isolated from two jackals. The Trichinella sp. larvae have been identified as Trichinellabritovi by molecular analyses. These results confirm that T. britovi is the prevalent species circulating in wild animals of Iran.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Parasitology

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