The genus Ancyrocephalus sensu lato is a large assemblage of species of dactylogyrid monopisthocotyleans without clear taxonomic boundaries. Despite an urgent need for revision, only three representatives of this taxon have been molecularly characterised so far. We found specimens of Ancyrocephalus curtus, a previously non-genotyped species, in gills of Perccottus glenii caught in the River Syumnyur, Amur Basin, Russia. The aim of this study was to assess the phylogenetic position of this parasite using partial sequences of 28S rRNA gene. In the phylogenetic tree, A. curtus appeared as a sister taxon to the dactylogyrine genus Gobioecetes. The new molecular evidence supports the hypothesis about the non-monophyletic status of Ancyrocephalus sensu lato.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)