Thielen Frankie,Münderle Marcel,Taraschewski Horst,Sures Bernd
AbstractIn 2003, the parasite fauna of 197 European eelsAnguilla anguilla, captured at three different locations (Laufenburg, Karlsruhe and Beneeden Leeuwen) in the River Rhine, was analysed. The eels harboured a total of 18 species, among them the protozoa (Myxidium giardi, Myxobolus kotlaniandTrypanosoma granulosum), acanthocephalans (Acanthocephalus anguillae, Acanthocephalus lucii, Echinorhynchus truttae, Pomphorhynchus laevis), nematodes (Paraquimperia tenerrima, Pseudocapillaria tomentosa, Camallanus lacustris, Raphidascaris acus, Spinitectus inermisandAnguillicola crassus), cestodes (Bothriocephalus clavicepsandProteocephalus macrocephalus) and monogeneans (Pseudodactylogyrussp.). The parasite fauna at the different locations is discussed with respect to the crustacean fauna present at these locations. The investigation shows that changes in the composition of the crustacean fauna, due to the anthropogenic breakdown of a biogeographic barrier, are reflected in the composition of the intestinal eel parasite fauna.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Parasitology
Cited by
11 articles.