VIII.—On Knots




The following paper contains, in a compact form, the substance of several somewhat bulky communications laid before the Society during the present session. The gist of each of these separate papers will be easily seen from the abstracts given in the Proceedings. These contain, in fact, many things which I have not reproduced in this digest. Nothing of any importance has been added since the papers were read, but the contents have been very much simplified by the adoption of a different order of arrangement; and long passages of the earlier papers have been displaced in favour of short general statements from the later ones. With the exception of the portion which deals with the main question raised, this paper is fragmentary in the extreme. Want of leisure or press of other work may justly be pleaded as one cause; but there is more than that. The subject is a very much more difficult and intricate one than at first sight one is inclined to think, and I feel that I have not succeeded in catching the key-note. When that is found, the various results here given will no doubt appear in their real connection with one another, perhaps even as immediate consequences of a thoroughly adequate conception of the question.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference1 articles.

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1. An Algorithm to Find Ribbon Disks for Alternating Knots;Experimental Mathematics;2023-03-15

2. Tightening Curves on Surfaces Monotonically with Applications;ACM Transactions on Algorithms;2022-10-31

3. Templex: A bridge between homologies and templates for chaotic attractors;Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science;2022-08

4. Local vortex line topology and geometry in turbulence;Journal of Fluid Mechanics;2021-08-05

5. Piecewise-linear embeddings of knots and links with rotoinversion symmetry;Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances;2021-07-29







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