XXIII.—On the Genus Anaspides and its Affinities with certain Fossil Crustacea


Calman W. T.


The genus Anaspides was founded in 1894 by Mr G. M. Thomson of Dunedin, New Zealand, for the reception of a very remarkable Schizopod Crustacean which he had discovered in a fresh-water pool at an altitude of 4000 feet on Mount Wellington in Tasmania. The very striking peculiarities of the animal, the absence of a carapace, the presence of plate-like gills attached to the bases of the thoracic legs, and the possession of an auditory organ in the peduncle of the antennules, led its discoverer to regard it as the type of a new family of Schizopods, the Anaspidæ, while suggesting that it might be entitled to “even higher specific rank.” I have had an opportunity of examining three specimens of Anaspides presented to the Museum of University College, Dundee, by Dr Chas. Chilton of New Zealand, and from the dissection of one of these I have been able to supplement, in some important points, Mr Thomson's account of the external anatomy of the animal. I wish also to call attention to the remarkable resemblance, indicative I believe of close affinity, which Anaspides bears to certain Palaeozoic Crustacea belonging to a group hitherto supposed to be unrepresented among living forms. The present paper has been prepared under the direction of Prof. D'Arcy W. Thompson.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference12 articles.

1. Anniversary Address;Proc. Geol. Soc.,1896

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