Improving the Prediction of Treatment Response in Depression: Integration of Clinical, Cognitive, Psychophysiological, Neuroimaging, and Genetic Measures


Kemp Andrew H.,Gordon Evian,Rush A. John,Williams Leanne M.


ABSTRACTAntidepressants are important in the treatment of depression, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are first-line pharmacologic options. However, only 50% to 70% of patients respond to first treatment and <40% remit. Since depression is associated with substantial morbidity, mortality, and family burden, it is unfortunate and demanding on health resources that patients must remain on their prescribed medications for at least 4 weeks without knowing whether the particular antidepressant will be effective. Studies have suggested a number of predictors of treatment response, including clinical, psychophysiological, neuroimaging, and genetics, each with varying degrees of success and nearly all with poor prognostic sensitivity and specificity. Studies are yet to be conducted that use multiple measures from these different domains to determine whether sensitivity and specificity can be improved to predict individual treatment response. It is proposed that a focus on standardized testing methodologies across multiple testing modalities and their integration will be crucial for translation of research findings into clinical practice.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Clinical Neurology

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