1. The Trans-Mereb Experience: Perceptions of the Historical Relationship between Eritrea and Ethiopia
2. Tronvoll Kjetil , and Mekonnen Daniel R. , The African Garrison State: Human Rights and Political Developments in Eritrea (Woodbridge: James Currey, forthcoming).
3. The Emergence of Political Parties in Eritrea, 1941–1950
4. Last Murray , “From Dissent to Dissidence: The Genesis and Development of Reformist Islamic Groups in Northern Nigeria,” Nigeria Research Network Working Paper No. 5, University of Oxford (Oxford, 2011).
5. Amnesty International, “Eritrea: No Progress on Key Human Rights Concerns,” June 2013. Available at http://www.amnesty.org/fr/library/info/AFR64/007/2013/en.