Banfield William G.,Lee Cecil W.
Lamella-particle complexes are a distinct group of morphologic structures. They have been reported in a growing number of papers often without detailed description. This could be accounted for because of the paucity of occurrence in the tissue or cells examined, the limitations inherent in preparing the tissue for electron microscopy, or because the photographs were not at a high enough magnification. We will take a closer look at these complexes, adding new information on their morphology, make correlations overlooked or not possible when initial observations were published and dispel some erroneous impressions as to the degree of similarity between complexes of different origin. Standard methods of fixation, dehydration and epon embedding were used. Staining was with lead and uranyl acetate.The lamella-particle complex is well illustrated in a lymphoma cell of the northern pike (Fig. 1). In cross section its wall is made up of a striated lamella associated with ribosome-like particles.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)