Development of Crystallinity in Turbostratic Boron Nitride Derived from Polymeric Precursors


Qiu X.,Datye A. K.,Borek T. T.,Paine R. T.


Boron nitride derived from polymer precursors is of great interest for applications such as fibers, coatings and novel forms such as aerogels. The BN is prepared by the polymerization of functionalized borazine and thermal treatment in nitrogen at 1200°C. The BN powders obtained by this route are invariably trubostratic wherein the sheets of hexagonal BN are randomly oriented to yield the so-called turbostratic modification. Fib 1a and 1b show images of BN powder with the corresponding diffraction pattern in fig. 1c. The (0002) reflection from BN is seen as a diffuse ring with occational spots that come from crystals of BN such as those shown in fig. 1b. The (0002) lattice fringes of BN seen in these powders are the most characteristic indication of the crystallinity of the BN.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Medicine

Reference5 articles.

1. Turbostratic1 Boron Nitride, Thermal Transformation to Ordered-layer-lattice Boron Nitride

2. Borek, T. T. Linquist, D. A. Johnston, G.P. Hietala, S. L. Smith, D. M. Paine, R. T. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. Accepted

3. Boron Nitride and Composite Aerogels from Borazine Based Polymers

4. Stability of Boron Nitride Coatings on Ceramic Substrates

5. This work was performed at the microbeam analysis facility within the department of Geology at the University of New Mexico.







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