1. Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Methodology for Assessing Compliance with the FATF Recommendations and the Effectiveness of AML/CTF Systems, at 4-5 (2013), http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/content/images/FATF%20Methodology%2022%20Feb%202013%20.pdf.
2. FATF-style regional body established within the Council of Europe.
3. Consider for example the strong position taken by the national bar associations before the ECtHR in the Michaud case. Michaud, 2012 IV Eur. Ct. H.R. at para. 75.
4. Directive 2015/849, supra note 10, art. 14, para. 4; see also id. at art. 34, para. 2
5. Directive 2015/849, supra note 10, at recital no. 42.