1. The project Publixphere (operated by Publixphere e.V. and associated with the Chair for European Law and Public Law at the Free University Berlin) is an attempt towards such a forum. See Publixphere, www.publixphere.org (last visited May 18, 2013).
2. Standard Eurobarometer 77, supra note 72.
3. Eder Klaus & Hans-Jörg Trenz, Prerequisites of Transnational Democracy and Mechanisms for Sustaining It: The Case of the European Union, in Debating the Legitimacy of the European Union 165, 175 (Beate Kohler-Koch & Berthold Rittberger eds., 2007).
4. Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff calls the European legislative process a potential “Verantwortungsabschiebebahnhof” [“responsibility delegation train station,” author's translation]. Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff, Europäisches und nationales Verfassungsrecht, 60 Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer [VVDStRL] 247, 257 (2001).
5. Standard Eurobarometer 77, supra note 72, at 63.