The Democratic Function of the Public Sphere in Europe


Peters Mayte


Democratically legitimized European integration calls for developments in culture and society—which arise naturally in the scope of on-going political, economic and institutional European Union (EU) integration—to be publically debated so they may be politically processed. The space where this happens is the public sphere, or, in the context of the EU, the European public sphere. The latter complements national public spheres. Successful integration among EU Member States is made possible by adhering to a common set of values at the same time as respecting the national identities of the Member States and fostering cultural diversity. By way of Union citizenship rights, individuals are able to make use of and actively promote the Europeanization of societies and cultures. Yet citizens are affected by Europeanization to differing degrees, with only a minority of citizens actively partaking in transnational exchange. In order to account for European integration democratically, the EU treaties hold provisions allowing for a close institutional interdependence of national and European democracy.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference92 articles.

1. The project Publixphere (operated by Publixphere e.V. and associated with the Chair for European Law and Public Law at the Free University Berlin) is an attempt towards such a forum. See Publixphere, (last visited May 18, 2013).

2. Standard Eurobarometer 77, supra note 72.

3. Eder Klaus & Hans-Jörg Trenz, Prerequisites of Transnational Democracy and Mechanisms for Sustaining It: The Case of the European Union, in Debating the Legitimacy of the European Union 165, 175 (Beate Kohler-Koch & Berthold Rittberger eds., 2007).

4. Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff calls the European legislative process a potential “Verantwortungsabschiebebahnhof” [“responsibility delegation train station,” author's translation]. Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff, Europäisches und nationales Verfassungsrecht, 60 Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer [VVDStRL] 247, 257 (2001).

5. Standard Eurobarometer 77, supra note 72, at 63.







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