1. For more Details see Casper , supra note 12, at 168 et seqq; in depth details concerning the combat of the company without management by the MoMiG see Steffek Felix , Betriebs-Berater (BB) 2077 (2007).
2. See BGHZ 151, 181 = NJW 3024 (2002).
3. See Knof , supra note 9, at 1536, 1541, and 1580.
4. Compare thereto also Greulich and Bunnemann, supra note 3, at 686; Knof , supra note 9, at 1580.
5. Further Knof , supra note 9, at 1580, 1582 (the ongoing and the following business year, which is to say, up to two years).