1. See, for a more comprehensive approach of comparative constitutional studies as opposed to comparative constitutional law, Ran Hirschl, Comparative Matters. The Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional law 15 (2016).
2. Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde, Bekenntnisfreiheit in einer pluralen Gesellschaft und die Neutralitätspflicht des Staates, in Kirche und Christlicher Glaube in den Herausforderungen der Zeit 439, 442 (2nd ed. 2003).
3. Jan Christoph Suntrup, From Emergency Politics to Authoritarian Constitutionalism? The Legal and Political Costs of EU Financial Crisis Management, in this issue.
4. Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde, The State as an Ethical State [1978], in 1 Constitutional and Political Theory: Selected Writings 86, 100 (Mirjam Künkler & Tine Stein eds., 2017).
5. Bundesverfassungsgericht [Federal Constitutional Court] [BVerfG] Jan. 15, 1958, 7 Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts [BVerfGE] 198.