1. Eman v. College van Burgemeester, CJEU Case C-300/04, 2006 E.C.R. I-08055.
2. Baden-Württemberg v. Tsakouridis, CJEU Case C-145/09, 2010 E.C.R. I-1345.
3. Bauböck Rainer , Citizenship and National Identities in the European Union, in Integration durch Demokratie. Neue Impulse für die europäische Union 302–20 (Eugen Antalosvky, Josef Melchior & Sonja Puntscher-Riekmann eds., 1997).
4. 4. Bacon Francis, Argument in the Case of the Post-Nati of Scotland (1608)
5. 5. Harvey Wheeler, Comments, Calvin's Case and the Empire (1947)