1. In particular, this is reflected in the results of one of the recent surveys showing that the idea of solidarity, according to EU citizens, takes precedence over all other values and that “a unified social protection system between Member States would be the main factor in reinforcing the sense of being a European citizen”. See the European Parliament Eurobarometer (EB Standard 70) - Autumn 2008 analysis, European Elections 2009, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/ebs/ebs_303_synt_en.pdf (last accessed: 27 June 2013). Also see the European Parliament Eurobarometer (EB/EP 77.4) from 20 August 2012, titled ‘Two years to go to the 2014 European elections', available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/aboutparliament/en/00191b53ff/Eurobarometer.html?tab=2012_4 (last accessed: 27 June 2013). The later survey also confirms that that tackling poverty and social exclusion is considered to be the first among the priority policies that Europeans want to see promoted by the European Parliament. Also see European Parliament Eurobarometer (EB/PE 76.3), Parlemeter - November 2011, available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/pdf/eurobarometre/2012/76_3/eb76_3_synthese_analytique_en.pdf (last accessed: 27 June 2013). Other indicative surveys, in this regard, are those on EU citizens’ perception of the Europe 2020 strategy, which show that social measures continue to lead the ranking of initiatives, which are perceived as the most important. See the Standard Eurobarometer 75 - Spring 2011 analysis, Europe 2020 Report, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/eb/eb75/eb75_eu20_en.pdf (last accessed: 27 June 2013) and the Standard Eurobarometer 76 - Autumn 2011 analysis, Europe 2020 Report, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/eb/eb76/eb76_en.htm (last accessed: 27 June 2013). All of this seems to affirm the continuing desire of EU citizens to witness the expansion of solidarity and social rights at the EU level.
2. Id. at para 56.
3. See Van der Mei, supra note 55, at 489– 490; O'Leary, supra note 55, at 622–623; and Lenaerts, supra note 64, at 407.
4. See European Parliament, European Year of Citizens: raising awareness of EU citizens’ rights, European Parliament News (3 September 2012), available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/pressroom/content/20120903IPR50346/html/European-Year-of-Citizens-raising-awareness-of-EU-citizens%27-rights (last accessed: 27 June 2013).
5. Förster, supra note 30, at para 50.