1. The term “natural law” is controversial, though: See Erik Wolf, Das Problem der Naturrechtslehre (1955).
2. 2. Schulz Dorothea, Die Demand Side: Realitäten der Korruptionsbekämpfung in Afrika, in Das Verbot Der Auslandbestechung: Strafgrund, Durchsetzung, Prävention (Michael Kubiciel & Elisa Hoven eds., forthcoming Jan. 2016) (discussing the reasons for corruption in Africa-lack of information and lack of experience with the rule of law)
3. 3. See also OECD, Fighting Corruption in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Anti-Corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 38 (2013). This is also why Indonesia-one of the most corrupt countries of the world according to Transparency International-focuses in its fight against corruption on education. See Gov't of Indonesia, National Strategy on Corruption Prevention and Eradication 21 (trans. UNODC, 2012), https://www.unodc.org/documents/indonesia//publication/2012/Attachment_to_Perpres_55-2012_National_Strategy_Corruption_Prevention_and_Eradication_translation_by_UNODC.pdf.
4. Dietmar von der Pfordten, Rechtsethik 68–70 (2d ed. 2011) (defining both social morality and law as part of social ethics).
5. Bundesgerichtshof [BGH] [Federal Court of Justice], Jan. 29, 1957, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift [NJW] 718– 19.