1. See Degenhart , Staatsrecht I, (20th Ed. 2004), § 1 marginal note 15a
2. Dreier, in Grundgesetz Vol. 1, (Drier, ed., 2nd Ed. 2004), Präambel, marginal note 64
3. more restrictive Jarass, in, Grundgesetz ( Jarass / Pieroth eds., 7th Ed. 2004), Präambel, marginal note 2.
4. Against this background the question arises which guarantees of the ECHR can already be regarded as international custom, see Pernice , in Dreier, supra note 36 at Art. 25, marginal note 31.
5. Halsbury's Statutes, 10 Current Statutes Service,133 (1999).