1. See Hawk & Laudati , supra note 23, at 31.
2. See Case EL/2008/0754, SG-Greffe D/201150 (2008).
3. Gerber David , The Transformation of European Community Competition Law?, 35 Harvard International Law Journal 98, 105-6 (1994), citing Ian Forrester & Christopher Norall, The Laicization of Community Laws: Self-Help and the Rule of Reason: How Competition Law Is and Could Be Applied, 21 Common Marketing Law Review 11, 13 (1984).
4. Fines imposed (not adjusted for Court judgments) period 2007-2011, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/competition/cartels/statistics/statistics.pdf (last accessed: 23 June 2011).
5. The way the EC exercises this power is set out in the European Council Notice 2004/C 101/04, 2004 O.J. (C 101) 54 on the co-operation between the EC and the courts of the EU Member States in the application of Articles 81 and 82 of the European Community Treaty, supra note 5.