1. Missiroli Antonio , Coherence, Effectiveness and Flexibility for CFSP/ESDP, in Europeas ferne Streitmacht 124 (Erich Reiter, Reinhardt Rummel & Peter Schmidt eds., 2002).
2. Pechstein See Matthias , Das Kohärenzgebot als entscheidende Integrationsnorm der Europäischen Union, Europarecht 247 (1995) and Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, Einheit und Kohärenz der Vertragsziele von EG und EU, Europarecht Beiheft 2, 67 (1998) for the dispute regarding the current provisions.
3. See TFEU art. 3(1); see also Alan Dashwood, The Limits of European Community Powers, 21 Eur. L. Rev. 113 (1996) (discussing the scope of exclusive competences).
4. See Wessel supra note 17, at 133 for examples of “PESCialisation” of the TEC-policies within the current legal framework.
5. See Cremona Marise , A Constitutional Basis for Effective External Action? An Assessment of the Provisions on EU External Action in the Constitutional Treaty, EUI Working Paper Law No. 30, 17 (2006) (regarding the equivalent provisions of the Constitutional Treaty).