Compensation Claims for Human Rights Breaches Committed by German Armed Forces Abroad During the Second World War: Federal Court of Justice Hands Down Decision in theDistomoCase


Pittrof Sabine


In recent times, an increased awareness in public international law of the significance of human rights has given rise to the idea of direct access to compensation claims by individuals in the case of severe human rights breaches. This development has led to a number of actions for compensation in various jurisdictions. TheBundesgerichtshof(BGH – Federal Court of Justice) recently joined the series of decisions from higher courts addressing compensation claims for human rights breaches, handing down its landmark decision on compensation claims by Greek citizens whose parents were killed in a massacre in Distomo during the Second World War.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference42 articles.

1. BGH, decision of 26 June 2003, III ZR 245/98, published in NJW 2003, 3488 et seq.

2. According to the Court, the legal basis for this is to be found in Art. 135a I No 1 Grundgesetz (GG-German Basic Law); cf. Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) BVerfGE 15,126 at 145. Evidently, traces of Nazi – ideology to be found in the law of the time were not to be taken into account. BGH NJW 2003, 3488 at 3491.

3. Geimer Reinhold , Völkerrrechtliche Staatenimmunität gegenüber Amtshaftungsansprüchen ausländischer Opfer von Kriegsexzessen, LMK 2003, 215 concludes that state immunity also serves as a guarantee for peace between the states (p. 216).

4. Id.

5. BGH NJW 2003, 3488 at 3490. The Two-Plus-Four Treaty can be found at BGBl. II 1990, 1318. For further reading, a selection of scholarly commentary on this topic can be found in the Court's decision at 3490; see also, Dozer, supra note 30; Adler and Zumbansen, supra note 30.

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