Second-Class Citizens? Restricted Freedom of Movement for Spätaussiedler is Constitutional


von Koppenfels Amanda Klekowski


The right to the freedom of movement for all Germans is one of the nineteen so-called Grundrechte (Fundamental Rights) and is enshrined in Article 11(1) of the German Grundgesetz (Basic Law): “All Germans enjoy freedom of movement throughout the Federal territory.” On 17 March 2004, however, the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) handed down a decision in which it concluded that the restriction of freedom of movement for one clearly defined group of German citizens is constitutional. Pursuant to the Wohnortzuweisungsgesetz, or Residence Assignment Act, as amended in 1996, Spätaussiedler (ethnic German migrants from the former Soviet Union who are eligible for full citizenship status), may have their freedom of movement restricted during the first three years of their residency in Germany. The restriction on their freedom of movement is triggered if they seek to avail themselves of any of a range of social benefits, including: welfare, some forms of unemployment assistance (Arbeitslosenhilfe), or integration assistance directed at Spätaussiedler, such as a six-month language course. Confronted with the loss of these social benefits, Spätaussiedler who nonetheless choose to exercise their freedom of movement are eligible to receive only a subsistence level of support. This restriction applies, nearly without exception, to all Spätaussiedler for the first three years of their residence in Germany due to the high rate of reliance among Spätaussiedler in their initial years in Germany upon these forms of public assistance.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference133 articles.

1. Id., at 54

2. Id.

3. Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels, Politically Minded: The Case of Aussiedler as an Ideologically Defined Category, in Migration in erklärten und unerklärten Einwanderungsländern: Ein Geschenk von Schülern und Studenten zum 60. Geburtstag von Dietrich Thränhardt, (Uwe Hunger, Karin Meendermann, Bernhard Santel and WichardWoyke, eds., 2001).

4. Id., at 11

5. David Jacobson, Rights Across Borders: Immigration and the Decline of Citizenship (1996); Yasemin Nuhoglu Soysal, Limits of Citizenship: Migrants and Postnational Membership in Europe (1994); Schuck Peter , Membership in the Liberal Polity: The Devaluation of American Citizenship, in Immigration and the Politics of Citizenship in Europe and North America (W. Rogers Brubaker ed., 1989). Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels, Politically Minded: The Case of Aussiedler as an Ideologically Defined Category, in Migration in erklärten und unerklärten Einwanderungsländern: Ein Geschenk von Schülern und Studenten zum 60. Geburtstag von Dietrich Thränhardt, (Uwe Hunger, Karin Meendermann, Bernhard Santel and WichardWoyke, eds., 2001).

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