1. Digital Rights Ireland, Joined cases C–293/12 and C–594/12 at para. 62.
2. Joined Cases C–465/00, C–138/01 and C–139/01 Rechnungshof v. Österreichischer Rundfunk and Others and Christa Neukomm and Joseph Lauermann v. Österreichischer Rundfunk, 2003 E.C.R. I–4989.
3. European Parliament Opinion on the CJEU's ruling on the Data Retention Directive, https://s3.amazonaws.com/access.3cdn.net/27bd1765fade54d896_l2m6i61fe.pdf.
4. Request of a preliminary ruling from the Verfassungsgerichtshof (Austria), Case C–594/12 of 19 December 2012.
5. Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014 (c.27), of 17 July 2014, available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk.