Core of State Sovereignty and Boundaries of European Union's Identity in the Lissabon – Urteil


Lanza Elisabetta


In the 2009 judgment dealing with the Treaty of Lisbon, the German Federal Constitutional Court urges to modify a domestic statute in order to guarantee the rights of the internal rule-making power and also provides a reasoning on the role of the European Union (EU) as an international organization, the principle of sovereignty and the relations between European Institutions and Bodies and the EU Member States. According to the German Court the Treaty of Lisbon does not transform the European Union into a Federal State (Staatsverband), but into a Confederation of States (Staatenverbund). In spite of the 1993 landmark judgment, the so-called “Maastricht Urteil”, the Court steps forward and focuses also the subject-matters that necessarily have to pertain to the Member States jurisdiction, the so-called “domain reserve”. The German Federal Constitutional Court decision on the Lisbon Treaty arouses the reflection on the core of State sovereignty and on the boundaries of the EU legal system and focuses on the force of the right to vote of every citizen, the basis of democracy.Furthermore, the decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court highlights the well-known issue of the EU's identity and the balancing between EU democracy and Member State sovereignty. In the light of the German Constitutional Court statements, the present work aims to understand which could be actually the EU's identity and how could be approached “democratic deficit” of the EU.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference72 articles.

1. Thus, in the Lissabon-Urteil the BVerfG developed two bases for own constitutional review: the ultra vires review and the identity review. In the first place, the ultra vires review, whether legal instruments of the European Institutions and Bodies, adhering to the principle of subsidiarity, do not keep within the boundaries of the sovereign powers accorded to them by way of conferred powers. This is a remarkable change from the approach in Solange I judgment, 2 Common Market Law Review (CMLR) 540 (1974) and Solange II judgment, 3 CMLR 225 (1987), when the Court affirmed the well-known formula that the BVerfG would no longer examine the compatibility of European secondary law with German fundamental rights exists on the European level, comparable to the secured ones by the German Basic Law. Instead, in the Lisbon case the Court states that any European legal act can be scrutinized for its conformity with the German Basic Law regarding “obvious” transgressions of the boundaries of competences and identity, id est the so-called “domain réservé”. See Frank Shorkopf, The European Union as an association of sovereign States: Karlsruhe's ruling on the Treaty of Lisbon, 10 GLJ 1219, 1232 (2009), available at:, last accessed 22 March 2010. In the second place, the other type of review fixed by the Court is the identity review, whether the inviolable core content of the constitutional identity of the GG pursuant to Article 23.1, sentence 3, GG in conjunction with Article 79.3 GG is not respected.

2. See, supra, note 2, paragraph no. 228.

3. James Madison, Federalist Paper no. 62 (“The Senate”), in Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, The Federalist Papers, 375 (Clinton Rossiter ed., 2003). However, according to the editors, it is unsure that the Federalist Paper no. 62 has been written properly by James Madison.

4. Official English translation available at:, last accessed 27 March 2010, Articles 38.1 and 23.1.

5. See, supra, note 2, paragraph no. 307.







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