The Theory of the Law Creators' Circle: Re-Conceptualizing the Monism–Dualism–Pluralism Debate


Kirchmair Lando


The aim of this Article is to re-conceptualize the debate about the (theoretical) relationship between international and national law, which has been debated for centuries. Generally, the floor is divided between dualism as developed by Heinrich Triepel and monism developed mainly by Hans Kelsen. In the light of new developments since their inception, I argue that these theories can no longer comprehensively explain the relationship between international or European Union (EU) and national law. Yet, the Article is based on the conviction that a common denominator of international and national law is elementary (i.e. here “the law creators' circle,” in German, “Die Theorie des Rechtserzeugerkreises,” in short “TREK”) in order to solve possible norm conflicts between different but overlapping legal orders. Therefore, pluralism is also limited in my eyes because it does not offer a satisfying prescriptive account. This common legal framework, however, must not be understood as the “constitutionalization” of international (or EU law) either, as this easily implies too many substantial values, which are not (yet) a common reality.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference137 articles.

1. See Delbrück, supra note 48, at 263f; see also Griller, supra note 1 at 96 & 98 et seq.

2. See Bleckmann Albert, Begriff und Kriterien der innerstaatlichen Anwendbarkeit völkerrechtlicher Verträge - Versuch einer Theorie des self-executing treaty auf rechtsvergleichender Grundlage 124 (1970) (referencing the Austrian and the Dutch doctrine in n.19-20); Nollkaemper, supra note 16, at 164; Karen Kaiser, Treaties, direct applicability, in Max Planck Encyclodpedia of Public International Law Online Edition [MPEPIL] para. 6 (R. Wolfrum ed., 2011); Gaby Buchs, Die unmittelbare Anwendbarkeit völkerrechtlicher Vertragsbestimmungen-Am Beispiel der Rechtsprechung der Gerichte Deutschlands, Österreichs, der Schweiz und der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika 37, 43 (1993);

3. Martin Franz, Die unmittelbare Anwendbarkeit von TRIPS in Argentinien und Brasilien, 12 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz & Urheberrecht Internationaler Teil 1001, 1004 (2002);

4. Keller, supra note 12, at 14 n.40.

5. See Vranes Erich , Lex superior, lex specialis, lex posterior—Rechtsnatur der ‘Konfliktlösungsregeln, 65 Heidelberg J. Int‘l L. 391, 402 n.48 (2005).

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