Finite amplitude convection with changing mean temperature. Part 2. An experimental test of the theory


Krishnamurti Ruby


It has been found in part 1 (Krishnamurti 1968) that when the mean temperature of a fluid layer is changing at a constant rate η, hexagonal flows are stable in a range of Rayleigh numbers near the critical. The direction of flow depends upon the sign of η. The static state is unstable to finite amplitude disturbances at Rayleigh numbers below the critical point predicted by linear theory.The validity of this theory is tested in an experiment in which the heat flux is measured as a function of η and Rayleigh number. The horizontal plan form is determined from the side by continuously exposing a photographic film moving in a vertical direction as tracers in different regions of the fluid are illuminated. Finite amplitude instability and hexagonal cells are indeed observed.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics

Reference12 articles.

1. Busse, F. H. 1962 Dissertation,University of Munich, 1962. Translation from German by S. H. Davis, The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California, 1966.

2. Palm, E. 1960 J. Fluid Mech. 8,183.

3. Silveston, P. L. 1958 Forsch. Ing. Wes. 24,29,59.

4. Krishnamurti, R. 1968 J. Fluid Mech. 33,445.

5. Palm, E. & ØIANN, H. 1964 J. Fluid Mech. 19,353.







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