On the stability of the asymptotic suction boundary-layer profile


Hughes T. H.,Reid W. H.


This paper presents a discussion of some aspects of the linear stability problem for the asymptotic suction profile. An exact solution of the inviscid equation is first obtained in terms of the usual hypergeometric function and its analytical continuation. This exact solution provides both a corrected version of an earlier treatment by Freeman and an independent check on the more general method suggested for solving the inviscid equation numerically. Various approximations to the characteristic equation, and hence to the curve of neutral stability, are then considered. In particular, it is found that, in a consistent asymptotic treatment of the related adjoint problem, at least one viscous correction to the singular inviscid solution must be considered. Based on the present results for the adjoint problem, it is suggested that Tollmien's original treatment of the viscous corrections must be slightly modified.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics

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