Simulation of Taylor-Couette flow. Part 2. Numerical results for wavy-vortex flow with one travelling wave


Marcus Philip S.


We use a numerical method that was described in Part 1 (Marcus 1984a) to solve the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equation and boundary conditions that govern Taylor-Couette flow. We compute several stable axisymmetric Taylor-vortex equilibria and several stable non-axisymmetric wavy-vortex flows that correspond to one travelling wave. For each flow we compute the energy, angular momentum, torque, wave speed, energy dissipation rate, enstrophy, and energy and enstrophy spectra. We also plot several 2-dimensional projections of the velocity field. Using the results of the numerical calculations, we conjecture that the travelling waves are a secondary instability caused by the strong radial motion in the outflow boundaries of the Taylor vortices and are not shear instabilities associated with inflection points of the azimuthal flow. We demonstrate numerically that, at the critical Reynolds number where Taylor-vortex flow becomes unstable to wavy-vortex flow, the speed of the travelling wave is equal to the azimuthal angular velocity of the fluid at the centre of the Taylor vortices. For Reynolds numbers larger than the critical value, the travelling waves have their maximum amplitude at the comoving surface, where the comoving surface is defined to be the surface of fluid that has the same azimuthal velocity as the velocity of the travelling wave. We propose a model that explains the numerically discovered fact that both Taylor-vortex flow and the one-travelling-wave flow have exponential energy spectra such that In [E(k)] ∝ k1, where k is the Fourier harmonic number in the axial direction.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics

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