The initial evolution of the momentum and buoyancy fluxes in a freely decaying,
stably stratified homogeneous turbulent flow with r.m.s. velocity u′0 and integral
lengthscale l0 is calculated using a weakly inhomogeneous and unsteady form of the
rapid distortion theory (RDT) in order to study the growth of small temporal and
spatial perturbations in the large-scale mean stratification N(z, t) and mean velocity
profile ū(z, t) (here N is the local Brunt–Väisälä frequency and ū is the local velocity
of the horizontal mean flow) when the ratio of buoyancy forces to inertial forces is
large, i.e. Nl0/u′0[Gt ]1. The lengthscale L of the perturbations in the mean profiles of
stratification and shear is assumed to be large compared to l0 and the presence of a
uniform background mean shear can be taken into account in the model provided
that the inertial shear forces are still weaker than the buoyancy forces, i.e. when the
Richardson number Ri = (N/∂zū)2[Gt ]1 at each height.When a mean shear perturbation is introduced initially with no uniform background
mean shear and uniform stratification, the analysis shows that the perturbations in the
mean flow profile grow on a timescale of order N-1. When the mean density profile is
perturbed initially in the absence of a background mean shear, layers with significant
density gradient fluctuations grow on a timescale of order N−10 (where N0 is the order
of magnitude of the initial Brunt–Väisälä frequency) without any associated mean
velocity gradients in the layers. These results are in good agreement with the direct
numerical simulations performed by Galmiche et al. (2002) and are consistent with the
earlier physically based conjectures made by Phillips (1972) and Posmentier (1977).
The model also shows that when there is a background mean shear in combination
with perturbations in the mean stratification, negative shear stresses develop which
cause the mean velocity gradient to grow in the density layers. The linear analysis for
short times indicates that the scale on which the mean perturbations grow fastest is
of order u′0/N0, which is consistent with the experiments of Park et al. (1994).We conclude that linear mechanisms are widely involved in the formation of shear
and density layers in stratified flows as is observed in some laboratory experiments
and geophysical flows, but note that the layers are also significantly influenced by
nonlinear and dissipative processes at large times.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics
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20 articles.