1. Horlock, J. H. , Norbury, J. F. & Cooke, J. C. 1967 Three-dimensional boundary layers: a report on Euromech 2.J. Fluid Mech. 27,369.
2. Howarth, L. 1951 The boundary layer in three-dimensional flow. Part I. Derivation of the equations for flow along a general curved surface.Phil. Mag. (7),42,239.
3. Head, M. R. 1958 Entrainment in the turbulent boundary layer.Aero. Res. Counc. R & M 3152.
4. Fiedler, H. E. & Head, M. R. 1966 Intermittency measurements in the turbulent boundary layer.J. Fluid Mech. 25,719.
5. Parr, O. 1962 Untersuchungen der dreidimensionalen Grenzschicht an rotierenden Drehkörpern bei axialer Anströmung. Ph.D. Thesis,Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Braunschweig Technical University. See also 1963 Ing. Arch. 32, 39.