The wall pressure signature of transonic shock/boundary layer interaction




The structure of wall pressure fluctuations beneath a turbulent boundary layer interacting with a normal shock wave at Mach number M = 1.3 is studied exploiting a direct numerical simulation database. Upstream of the interaction, in the zero-pressure-gradient region, pressure statistics compare well with canonical low-speed boundary layers in terms of fluctuation intensities, space–time correlations, convection velocities and frequency spectra. Across the interaction zone, the root-mean-square wall pressure fluctuations attain very large values (in excess of 162 dB), with a maximum increase of about 7 dB from the upstream level. The two-point wall pressure correlations become more elongated in the spanwise direction, indicating an increase of the pressure-integral length scales, and the convection velocities (determined from space–time correlations) are reduced. The interaction qualitatively modifies the shape of the frequency spectra, causing enhancement of the low-frequency Fourier modes and inhibition of the higher ones. In the recovery region past the interaction, the pressure spectra collapse very accurately when scaled with either the free-stream dynamic pressure or the maximum Reynolds shear stress, and exhibit distinct power-law regions with exponent −7/3 at intermediate frequencies and −5 at high frequencies. An analysis of the pressure sources in the Lighthill's equation for the instantaneous pressure has been performed to understand their contributions to the wall pressure signature. Upstream of the interaction the sources are mainly located in the proximity of the wall, whereas past the shock, important contributions to low-frequency pressure fluctuations are associated with long-lived eddies developing far from the wall.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics

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