1. Brown, C. E. & Micuael, W. H. 1959 On slender delta wings leading-edge separation.Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A251,200–217.
2. Glauert, H. 1946 The Elements of Aerofoll and Airscrew Theory Cambridge University press. Goldstein, S (Ed.)1965 Modern Developments in Fluid Dynamics, Vol 1, Dover.
3. Brown, S. N. & Stewartson, K. 1969 Flow near the apex of a plane delta wing.J. Inst. Maths Applics. 5 206–216 (referred to herein as BS).
4. Thompson, D. H. 1975 A water tunnel study of vortex breakdown over wings with highly swept leading edges. Aeronautical Research laboratories (Australia) Aero. Note 356. See also ARL Aero. Note 338 (1973).
5. Kirkkoppu, K. & Riley, N. 1991 Secondary separation from a slender wing.J. Engng Maths 25,329–352.