By the kindness of the present, possessor, Andrew Fountaine, Esq. of Narford, I am enabled to lay before the Society of Antiquaries a domestick Record, which will probably be considered as having a legitimate claim to their attention. It is an Inventory of the Effects of Sir John Fastolfe, who stands enrolled among the heroes of Agincourt, and obtained still further renown as a brave and successful commander in the French wars of Henry the Sixth. His name, however, is now perhaps better remembered by its near resemblance to the fictitious one which Shakspeare bestowed on the wittiest and most delightful character of the comic Stage. This resemblance indeed, which, whether accidental or otherwise, has given rise to much fruitless controversy, begins and ends with the name, for the gravity of Sir John Fastolfe appears to have been as remarkable as his courage, prudence, piety, and hospitality.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
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