1. Communication from the Commission of 3 March 2010, ‘Europe 2020: A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth’, COM(2010) 2020.
2. Even before the crisis, there were many areas where Europe was not progressing fast enough relative to the rest of the world: in spite of progress, Europe’s employment rates — at 69 per cent on average for those aged 20–64 — are still significantly lower than in other parts of the world. Only 63 per cent of women are in work compared to 76 per cent of men.
3. See document number B7-0266/2010 at: .
4. National Reform Programmes, see .
5. S. Prechal, ‘Equality of Treatment, Non-Discrimination and Social Policy: Achievements in Three Themes’, 41 Common Market Law Review (2004) p. 533; P. Craig and G. De Burca, EU Law Text, Cases, and Materials, 5th edn. (Oxford, OUP 2011); R. Blanpain, H. Nakakubo, T. Araki and C. Barnard, New Developments in Employment Discrimination Law (Alphen aan de Rijn, Kluwer Law International 2008); C. Barnard, S. Deakin and C. Kilpatrick, ‘Equality, Non-Discrimination and the Labour Market in the UK’, 18 International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (2002) pp. 129–147; C. Barnard, ‘EC Sex Equality Law: A Balance Sheet’, in P. Alston, ed., The EU and Human Rights (OUP 1999) pp. 215–279; C. Barnard, ‘A European Litigation Strategy: The Case of the Equal Opportunities Commission’, in J. Shaw and G. Moore, eds., Dynamics of European Integration (Oxford, Clarendon, 1996) pp. 253–272; C. Barnard, ‘The Economic Objectives of Article 119’, in T. Hervey and D. O’Keeffe, eds., Sex Equality Law in the EU (Wiley 1996) pp. 321–336; S.D. Burri and A. Prechal, ‘Comparative Approaches to Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination within Europe’, in D. Schiek and V. Chege, eds., European Non-Discrimination Law: Comparative Perspectives on Multidimensional Equality Law (Routledge 2008) pp. 215–247; S. Burri and S. Prechal, EU Gender Equality Law, report for the European Commission (2008); S. Burri and S. Prechal, EU Rules on Gender Equality: How Are They Transposed into National Law, report for the European Commission (2009); A. Masselot, ‘The State of Gender Equality Law in the European Union’, 13 European Law Journal (2007) p. 152; L. Ackers, ‘Legislating for Equality? Working Hours and Progression in Science Careers’, 13 European Law Journal (2007) p. 169; N. Burrows and M. Robison, ‘An Assessment of the Recast of Community Equality Laws’, 13 European Law Journal (2007) p. 186; H. Askola, ‘Violence Against Women, Trafficking, and Migration in the European Union’, 13 European Law Journal (2007) p. 204; S. Millns and M. do Rosario Palma Ramalho, ‘Reconciling Family and Professional Life and the Gender Equality Principle in Employment’, 2 European Gender Equality Law Review (2009) p. 7.