1. COM (2005) 672 final, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/comm/competition/antitrust/others/actions_for_damages/index_en.html.
2. Green Paper, loc. cit. n. 1, at p. 3.
3. OJ 2003 L 1/1. The Regulation was accompanied by the so-called ‘modernisation package’ consisting of a number of Commission notices.
4. Cf., J. Basedow, ‘Who will Protect Competition in Europe? From Central Enforcement to Authority Networks and Private Litigation’, 2 European Business Organization Law Review (2001) p. 443.
5. For a critical analysis of the reform, cf., E.-J. Mestmäcker and H. Schweitzer, Europäisches Wettbewerbsrecht, 2nd edn. (Munich, Beck 2004) § 13, No. 10; E.-J. Mestmäcker, ‘The EC Commission’s Modernization of Competition Policy: A Challenge to the Community’s Constitutional Order’, 1 European Business Organization Law Review (2000) p. 401; L.F. Pace, I fondamenti del diritto antitrust europeo (Milano, Giuffré 2005) p. 177 et seq. and p. 446 et seq.