1. An extensive English-language summary of the NAi’s proposed digital repository can be found in Henk Verstappen, ‘Connecting the digital with the physical LAM: building a digital repository for the NAi’ (paper presented at the Hybrid Architectural Archives Conference, Nederlands Architectuurinstituut, Rotterdam, June 10-12, 2009), http://conference.nai.nl/mmbase/attachments/525859/2.2_Henk_Vanstappen.pdf.
2. Netherlands Media Art Institute, http://nimk.nl/eng/.
3. ‘Toekomst voor ons digitaal geheugen’ (Nationale Coalitie Digitale Duurzaamheid, 2009), http://www.ncdd.nl/activiteiten-natverkenning.php; a 20-page English-language summary, ‘A future for our digital memory,’ is available at http://www.ncdd.nl/en/ddnl.php.
4. Digital Heritage Netherlands: ‘let’s build together,’ http://www.den.nl/english/.
5. Digital Preservation Coalition, http://www.dpconline.org/.