Mature leaves of tree seedlings were exposed to high light in four experimental gaps in the Jamaican upper montane rainforest (UMRF). Two of the six species studied were light-demanders: Alchornea latifolia and Clethra occidentalis. Two were gap-favoured: Pittosporum undulatum (an invasive) and Palicourea alpina (a subcanopy shrub). One was intermediate: Hedyosmum arborescens, and one was shade-tolerant: Guarea glabra. After five months, the following significant changes occurred in shade leaves that were exposed to gaps (‘shade-to-gap’ leaves; values as % of those in the pre-gap shade): maximum rate of photosynthesis + 40% (Alchornea), +35% (Clethra), −34% (Pittosporum), +72% (Palicourea); dark respiration +120% (Alchornea), +140% (Clethra), +60% (Pittosporum), +233% (Palicourea), +175% (Hedyosmum), +100% (Guarea); leaf thickness +18% (Alchornea), +18% (Clethra), +14% (Palicourea); leaf mass per unit area +18% (Alchornea), +15% (Pittosporum). Leaves produced in the gaps were (as a percentage of total live leaf number) 74% (Alchornea), 71% (Clethra), 50% (Pittosporum), 71% (Palicourea), 62% (Hedyosmum) and 50% (Guarea). Photosynthetic rates of leaves produced in the gaps were 53–120% higher than ‘shade-to-gap’ leaves. Overall, shade leaves on the three native, more light-demanding species (Alchornea, Clethra and Palicourea) showed photosynthetic acclimation, while the more shade-tolerant species (Hedyosmum and Guarea and Pittosporum undulatum) showed little acclimation in shade-to-gap leaves.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)