1. McGimsey Charles , 1956, Cerro: A preceramic site in Panama: Am Antiquity,
2. Ranere A J 1976, The Preceramic of Panama: the view from the interior: 1st Puerto Rican symposium on archael Proc, San Juan, p 103–137.
3. Willey Gordon and McGimsey Charles , 1954, The Monagrillo culture of Panama: Papers Peabody Mus Archaeol and Ethnol, v 49, no. 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard Univ.
4. Ranere A J 1975, Report on the 1975 archaeological investigations at Monagrillo and the Aguadulce Shelter, Central Panama: Rept to the Patrimonio Hist del INAC, Panama. Unpub ms.