The Mathematics of Society: Variation and Error in Quetelet's Statistics


Porter Theodore M.


“Let us apply to the political and moral sciences the method founded upon observation and upon calculus, the method which has served us so well in the natural sciences.” The social sciences have known no truer follower of Laplace's dictum than Adolphe Quetelet. His mécanique sociale, later physique sociale, was conceived as the social analogue to Laplace's mecanique celeste, and embodied the results of an unswerving commitment not only to the presumed method of celestial physics, but even to its concepts and vocabulary. It is too weak to say that Quetelet's goal was the transmission of the achievements of celestial physics into the social sphere. He aspired to nothing less than imitation.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


History and Philosophy of Science,History

Reference89 articles.

1. De l'objet et de l'utilité des statistiques;Say;Revue encyclopédique,1827

2. From Celestial Mechanics to Social Physics: Discontinuity in the Development of the Sciences in the Early Nineteenth Century

3. Sur l'appréciation des documents statistiques, et en particulier sur l'appréciation des moyennes;Quetelet;BCC,1844

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3. The wonderful form of cosmic order: Francis Galton;The Rise of Chance in Evolutionary Theory;2022

4. Social Scientization and the Schooling State in UK Parliamentary Discourse, 1803–1909;Social Science History;2021-12-09

5. At the borders of the average man: Adolphe Quêtelet on mental, moral, and criminal monstrosities;Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences;2019-12-19







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