1. The 1999 plenary meeting was held at Bangalore in India with participants from six countries (India, Japan, Switzerland, France, China, and the UK).
2. At the annual Interchange meeting, executives of both countries exchanged information and opinions about various issues concerning technology standards, intellectual property rights, statistics, and commercial relations.
3. Japan Watch and Clock Association, ISO/TC114 tokei kogyo hyojinka kokusai kaigi hokokusho, p. 3.
4. Asano , “Tokei sangyo ni okeru hyojunka senryaku,” p. 57.
5. Other goals were to ensure broadband access for all people in Asia: construct international broadband networks with sufficient bandwidths to directly link Asian countries, prepare environments for secure and easy use of ICT in Asia, digitize and archive major Asian cultural assets, develop machine-translation technologies between major Asian languages, and increase the number of ICT engineers and researchers in Asia.