1. Growth and Institutions: A Review of the Evidence
2. The associations judge ministers of industry, and politicians in general, by their “ability to seek funds to support the [sugar] industry, particularly growers,” Praiwan Yuthana , “Wang Kanai in Talks with TMB on Debt,” Bangkok Post , January 7, 2000. Even when the industry faced major financial problems in 2002, growers' associations continued to ask the minister of industry to adopt policies that would cover their costs of production and secure them a profit; Thongrung Watcharapong , “Sugar Sector: Financial Aid Seen as Vital,” The Nation, September 14, 2002.
3. Ibid., p. 7 (lists the comparative advantages of public and private sectors in different issue areas, e.g., government is likely to play the dominant role in R&D on cane breeding/variety improvement; the sugar mills will be the major party in R&D on farm mechanization, with state and academic technical support; and disease prevention and control will be best addressed through a joint state/grower arrangement).
4. Viroj , “The Thai Sugar Industry,” p. 4.