1. Chu was elected for the SDP in 1992 and Chang won election for the Labor Party in Kaohsiung City Council in 1989. Wang Yi-hsiung failed in his bid for reelection under the Labor Party banner in 1989.
2. Due to the limited number of cases, I combined Kinmen and Lienchiang into one category.
3. This practice of open nomination was especially common in the democratic transition period and still occurs occasionally in the case of the KMT where it is unable to settle on one candidate in a single-member district and allows for free competition between two KMT politicians. It is most common in very safe KMT seats such as Miaoli where the DPP stands little chance even if confronted by a divided KMT. Moreover, open nomination is listed as officially nominated in the Central Election Commission database.
4. Splitting and making parties: Analysis of party reconfiguration in Taiwan
5. Whether we should call 1986 the first multiparty election is a controversial question. In 1986 the DPP challenged the KMT for the first time. However, at the time Taiwan was still under martial law, it was a one-party state, and the DPP was technically an illegal organization. On paper, there were other political parties under martial law, but these were known as flower vase parties, as they were essentially just KMT satellite parties designed to give the pretense of a multiparty system.