1. Kenneth P. Doyle , Analysis: Deadlocks Are Only Part of Story at FEC , Bloomberg BNA Money & Pol. Rep. (Sept. 1, 2015)
2. Lauren Eber , Note, Waiting for Watergate: The Long Road to FEC Reform , 79 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1155 , 1167 ( 2006 )
3. Public Citizen, Roiled in Partisan Deadlock, Federal Election Commission Is Failing (July 19, 2016)
4. Ann M. Ravel , Dysfunction and Deadlock: The Enforcement Crisis at the Federal Election Commission Reveals the Unlikelihood of Draining the Swamp (Feb. 2017)
5. Kenneth P. Doyle , FEC Deadlocks on Flemming Campaign Loan Case , Bloomberg BNA Money & Politics Rep . (June 9, 2017)