1. Relative survival of Bacillus subtilis
spores loaded on filtering facepiece respirators after five decontamination methods
2. The role of masks and respirator protection against SARS-CoV-2
3. Rational use of face masks in the COVID-19 pandemic
4. 8. N95 respirators and surgical masks (face masks). US Food and Drug Administraion website. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/personal-protective-equipment-infection-control/n95-respirators-and-surgical-masks-face-masks. Updated April 2020. Accessed April 5, 2020.
5. 10. Guidelines for health services: prevention and control measures that should be adopted when assisting suspected or confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) [in Portugese]. ANVISA website. http://portal.anvisa.gov.br/documents/33852/271858/Nota+T%C3%A9cnica+n+04-2020+GVIMS-GGTES-ANVISA-ATUALIZADA/ab598660-3de4-4f14-8e6f-b9341c196b28. Published March 30, 2020. Accessed March 31, 2020.