FOR more than twenty-five years the compiler of this bibliography has been deeply interested in the tectonic history of the British Isles: for the greater part of this time he has also been struck by the absence of any adequate and annotated treatment of the subject, since the appearance of the third edition of Jukes-Browne's Building of the British Isles, 1911. (The so-called 4th edition of this work, dated 1922, appears to be merely an unrevised reprint of the 3rd edition.) In 1929 this want was in part supplied by the publication of The Physiographical Evolution of Britain, by Dr. L. J. Wills. Even in this admirable work, however, the stress is on physiography rather than on tectonics, and many of the more important writings on this side of the subject are not referred to. In the Handbook of the Geology of Great Britain, which appeared in the same year, the exiguous section on “Morphology” includes no bibliography, while the whole scheme of treatment is in the main palaeontological, and little help on the tectonic aspect is to be obtained from the text of most of the sections. The present publication may in a sense be regarded as a supplement to that work.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)